A lot of negativity about on the back of the hurt and disappointment that flowed from game one, in the faraway land. I get it. We followed the hype, we saw the build up, the trial games, the "
we're going there to get the two points" consistent story line. We dared to believe. And we got slapped.
But let's not panic, yet.
It is still possible that the sky is
not falling.
There was a shitload of missed tackles, which begs a significant attitude adjustment. Simple focus on that one thing will bring significant dividends. We were soft. Also it is unlikely that our attack will drift sideways like that again. Metcalf got served a big lesson there; unlikely he will be that sideways again. Walks did a job in straightening things up when he came on, and he will be in LM's ear every day. And we know our halves have a lot of growth in them. They will be undone again on occasions through the year, but they have a ton of upside that will excite us in days ahead too. Hang in there. You know what I mean.
I found that this Canberra article from the Sportress provides a bit of perspective:
Check it.
It in part bears out what the
Rugby League Eye Test published yesterday with stats from Sunday's game. The "expected score" stats revealed that based on field position and possession, we were in a good situation. But we didn't execute on that. Coupled with the shit house defensive effort esp in the first half, the result reflected that. If you are not a subscriber to the Eye Test, check the full article here:
We’re now two instances of Las Vegas opening weekends for the NRL and it’s extremely clear that this is not only working, but it’s working beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. So much so that there’s already talk of going all in at Wembley in 2029, which is exactly the type of jump to...
Small adjustments can bring big changes in outcome.
This story has just begun...