Gotta say, unless they were hitting the grog im on the what a big pile of nothing bus for me.
Seen on Tuesday nite at 9pm? FFS really?...unless they we're getting pissed as chooks (which it doesnt sound like) big whoop.
Kevin Hart the night before? And what? Not all our body clocks are primed for 10 hours sleep?.......even athletes. I know the night before finals or big games i was always amped and couldnt sleep, was guilty of constantly running things through my head......before i knew it 2.00am and still couldnt shut my thoughts off......for those types, going to the movies or id imagine a Kevin hart concert is just a way to shut off.
Obviously the performance they put out is going to lend itself to this sort of stuff but ffs i dont think not seeing Kevin Hart or bed by 8.00pm is going to miraculously turn
Kurt Capewell,
Jackson Ford,
Adam Pompey, CNK into x factor animals, make RTS 5 years younger, find Niukore a heart, improve Cappy's recruitment policy, or had anything to do with Webbys questionable bench use and positional philosiphies concerning our halves?
Got plenty of reasons to find why we were shit without having to invent any......(unless they were getting on Benders of course)