General Warriors Preseason 2024

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I have this weird half a thought that if we win the premiership this year I might quit being a warriors fan. I kind of peversely enjoyed the old days where we finished 10th to 12th every year. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. I like supporting a modest club. If we do win the premiership I hope we don't attract a whole bunch of fans to this site who are like All Blacks fans who only support the All Blacks because they win all the time.
I don't think I am making any sense.
Carry on. As you were.

PS the lowest days on my journey were the 70 point loss to Melbourne and the day Matt Lodge left and we paid him all sorts of money for weird reasons.
Kind of get where you're coming from, in 2002 it got a bit boring being so good, as Trump says you get tired of winning all the time.

I have this weird half a thought that if we win the premiership this year I might quit being a warriors fan. I kind of peversely enjoyed the old days where we finished 10th to 12th every year. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. I like supporting a modest club. If we do win the premiership I hope we don't attract a whole bunch of fans to this site who are like All Blacks fans who only support the All Blacks because they win all the time.
I don't think I am making any sense.
Carry on. As you were.

PS the lowest days on my journey were the 70 point loss to Melbourne and the day Matt Lodge left and we paid him all sorts of money for weird reasons.
Yeah I think the bulldogs or wests would be a good team for
I have this weird half a thought that if we win the premiership this year I might quit being a warriors fan. I kind of peversely enjoyed the old days where we finished 10th to 12th every year. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. I like supporting a modest club. If we do win the premiership I hope we don't attract a whole bunch of fans to this site who are like All Blacks fans who only support the All Blacks because they win all the time.
I don't think I am making any sense.
Carry on. As you were.

PS the lowest days on my journey were the 70 point loss to Melbourne and the day Matt Lodge left and we paid him all sorts of money for weird reasons.
I kind of get it man. Nothing will ever top when we win our first. The second will be sweet, but the first is unique.
Kane was my favourite Warrior. I have never stopped advocating for him.

Some people said he was stupid to get into those fights because he got sin binned and we lost that match. But NEWS FLASH we finished 15th that year. Winning anther couple of games wasn't going to matter. He stood up for our pride. The pride of the fans and the Mana and self esteem of the Warriors Nation. He was the best enforcer we ever hard.
Kane Evans is a prince.
Bag Raiders unite.
On the Australian predictions on where we will finish this year. Anything in the top 8 is a huge improvement from last where a lot of them having been putting us recently. Or for some journalist have been putting us last for quite a while like they choose every other team. Get down to the crap Aussie sides and find reasons for them to improve.

Their predictions for us often seem like they realise they have forgotten a team.

Anything in the top 8 shows they have taken notice of our improvement. A 5th place is fair enough some teams will improve from last year, some will be affecting more by injuries, teams will have an easier or tougher draw than last year.

Hey even a 5th place is higher than the 6th that becomes a bit of cliché around here.
I have this weird half a thought that if we win the premiership this year I might quit being a warriors fan. I kind of peversely enjoyed the old days where we finished 10th to 12th every year. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. I like supporting a modest club. If we do win the premiership I hope we don't attract a whole bunch of fans to this site who are like All Blacks fans who only support the All Blacks because they win all the time.
I don't think I am making any sense.
Carry on. As you were.

PS the lowest days on my journey were the 70 point loss to Melbourne and the day Matt Lodge left and we paid him all sorts of money for weird reasons.
The end of the 2015 season was probably one of the lowest points for me haha.
I have this weird half a thought that if we win the premiership this year I might quit being a warriors fan. I kind of peversely enjoyed the old days where we finished 10th to 12th every year. It is hard to explain what I am feeling. I like supporting a modest club. If we do win the premiership I hope we don't attract a whole bunch of fans to this site who are like All Blacks fans who only support the All Blacks because they win all the time.
I don't think I am making any sense.
Carry on. As you were.

PS the lowest days on my journey were the 70 point loss to Melbourne and the day Matt Lodge left and we paid him all sorts of money for weird reasons.
Haha this is just like Stockholm syndrome!!
Kind of get where you're coming from, in 2002 it got a bit boring being so good, as Trump says you get tired of winning all the time.
I have a suspicion it got so boring in 2002 (and actually a bit in 2006, even though thanks to the -4 points we didn't make the Finals) because you didn't feel we were being taken that seriously so the opposition weren't really going at us that hard. At least, that's how several of the games felt to me.

I'd stop supporting the Warriors if we got so good I didn't feel losing was a possibility or if we got so bad I didn't feel winning was a possibility.

Actually, sometimes when we're playing crap my Warriors fandom stops and I just want to see a decent game of league...
I have a suspicion it got so boring in 2002 (and actually a bit in 2006, even though thanks to the -4 points we didn't make the Finals) because you didn't feel we were being taken that seriously so the opposition weren't really going at us that hard. At least, that's how several of the games felt to me.

I'd stop supporting the Warriors if we got so good I didn't feel losing was a possibility or if we got so bad I didn't feel winning was a possibility.

Actually, sometimes when we're playing crap my Warriors fandom stops and I just want to see a decent game of league...
There's been agony and ecstasy over the 29 years. In the big context, I really thought we were going to be a powerhouse club when we started, and when it all turned to shit it was so disappointing that it made the Dan Anderson rebuild years so much sweeter. We got respect back.
Cycle kind of repeated until 2011, our victories in the dark years were somehow sweeter being underdogs.
Towards the end of last year when we were expected to win and ground out the 2 points it got a bit stale, not much of a sport if you know who's going to win. Until the epic Knights final that is, probably my proudest fan moment.
Still have a nagging feeling we haven't arrived as a serious club until that first premiership. After that who knows, we might get arrogant and turn into Penrith fans. My old man is one of them, an insufferable toothless cunt.
Don't think I'll ever stop supporting them though tbh.
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Dafuq is wrong with us? I'm worried it actually is stockholm syndrome now
I know right? We could've should've been 3rd or even 2nd last year and as it turns out were definitely a tier below ... completely understand where webby's dissatisfaction over the season last year in the pre-season talk is coming from
I know right? We could've should've been 3rd or even 2nd last year and as it turns out were definitely a tier below ... completely understand where webby's dissatisfaction over the season last year in the pre-season talk is coming from
If he was any other coach I'd be cynical about his talk, but I'm really starting to believe in him. It's like he's been sent to save us by our father in league heaven.
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