was mortified by the performance of our warriors youngsters for the first five minutes they were out there. Worse than headless chickens. Mistake after mistake. No concentration. Over excitement. No focus. I was extremely concerned about the future of our club if those are our prospects.
But wait ...........then after 5 minutes a wave came over all of them and they settled down to the task at hand played the last 15 minutes with strong composure and gave an excellent accounting of themselves. They played as a team and
Jett Cleary guided them around the park and
Luke Hanson tackled like there was no tomorrow and then put on big shots and they made the most of their opportunity.
Next time the coaches have to do a much better job of calming the youngsters down. Yes it was the biggest game some of them had played in. Yes it was nationally and internationally televised. Yes it was in prime time on TV. But their initial behaviour was exactly like
Zyon Maiu’u's out of control performance last year that got him sent off the field. Alls well that ends well though and like I say it was like a magical wave came over all of them after 5 minutes and then they settled and played very well all things considered.