Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


https://www.cambridge.org/core/book...ever read up on it before but 100% will now.
The Maori party were the only ones opposed to the EU free trade deal
No wonder the left cant pick political shifts. The chamber echoes loudly. You label any speech you disgree with an "ism" and then promptly ignore it. There's zero introspection as to why people feel that why.

As for condemning the "racist" comment above, if only some people held that same energy for helping.

The unemployment rates for Māori have increased by more than 4 times the national rate. In figures released yesterday from Statistics New Zealand, unemployment rates for Māori hit a four-year high of 8.2%, up by 1.4%. Similarly, rates for Pacific peoples have surged by 1.5% to reach 7.4%. In comparison, the national unemployment rate has risen by 0.3%, reaching 4.3% in the quarter ending March 2024.
Lol, was I wrong to call it out? Brownstone deleted his fucking post. Unless you're meaning something else?
This whole Treaty bill is culture wars stirred up because fiscal conservatives don't have any good policy to help the economy.
I'm all for helping Maori and other poorly served communities. We as a country don't want to though - I try to do my bit.
Did you feel the same about He Puapua?

Arguably we wouldn’t be where we are now with Seymour’s platform without the new interpretations it forced on us with no consultation 🤔
It was a discussion document, not policy. You're probably right - Labour are trash at messaging.
Wider opinion - I think co-governance should play a larger role in our governance structure.
Wider opinion - I think co-governance should play a larger role in our governance structure.
How do we debate that.

Who gets to decide if our democratically elected people aren't allowed to ‘change’ the treaty?

What happens when Maori make up both sides (iwi and govt?) should they remove themselves from the govt over treaty issues?

My personal issue is affirmative action. It’s totally wrong (in my opinion); doesn’t help those it seeks to and creates an us and them (on both sides).
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Sowell has a quote for everything

View attachment 10061
I'll follow you down this foxhole Sarge,

"Until the spring of 1972, Sowell was a registered Democrat, after which he then left the Democratic Party and resolved not to associate with any political party again, stating "I was so disgusted with both candidates that I didn't vote at all."[11] Though he is often described as a black conservative, Sowell said, "I prefer not to have labels, but I suspect that 'libertarian' would suit me better than many others, although I disagree with the libertarian movement on a number of things."

Feels good so far
I'll follow you down this foxhole Sarge,

"Until the spring of 1972, Sowell was a registered Democrat, after which he then left the Democratic Party and resolved not to associate with any political party again, stating "I was so disgusted with both candidates that I didn't vote at all."[11] Though he is often described as a black conservative, Sowell said, "I prefer not to have labels, but I suspect that 'libertarian' would suit me better than many others, although I disagree with the libertarian movement on a number of things."

Feels good so far
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Im firmly with Alan Duff on this.

My position on this has nothing to do with Maori, but everything to do with Thomas Sowells teachings.
Sowell has some merit, a cornerstone of his thinking is that education is big factor to escaping poverty. I'm not against some personal responsibility.
But in New Zealand, we don’t do nearly enough to reduce barriers to educational achievement. You could argue we actively put up barriers, with high housing costs/rental insecurity, food costs, overall underfunding of education.
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