Social Wrighty's Sheep Game Voting Thread - All of Forum Welcome to vote !!!

Vote for the top three teams

  • Tyrael

  • Mr Brownstone

  • Muddogz

  • Inruin

  • Cces

  • Defence

  • BillySpleen

  • NaumaiFooty

  • Boats n Hoes

  • Wizard of Tauranga

Results are only viewable after voting.
Will officially announce the results at 6pm tonight. Still some time for a clear second place to emerge since there is a tie there at present.


A few more votes may occur but let's call this. Firstly some thank yous.
Thank you to Tajhay for allowing us and supporting us to play these games every year on the forum. He helps also through coding up features and functions to support the game. Early indicators are he will join us and play next year if possible.

Thank you to all ten competitors. Thanks for the banter. That is why i run these games. Thanks for rolling through any glitches and playing with good spirit.

The Winning Podium

In First place - Mr Brownstone. Congratulations and well played.

A three way tie for second - Defence, Boats n Hoes, Inruin

So four people on the podium this year.

Well played all.
I seen gnr last year- axel didn’t sound too flash but at least they played all their bangers
When I saw Dylan he sounded shit and refused to play any of his hits.
Dylan played some of his hits - well the lyrics were ‘sung’ but to an entirely different tune. I walked away disappointed.

Seen Axl 3 times & yeah thought the voice was starting to go a bit, Coma was pretty bad

A few more votes may occur but let's call this. Firstly some thank yous.
Thank you to Tajhay for allowing us and supporting us to play these games every year on the forum. He helps also through coding up features and functions to support the game. Early indicators are he will join us and play next year if possible.

Thank you to all ten competitors. Thanks for the banter. That is why i run these games. Thanks for rolling through any glitches and playing with good spirit.

The Winning Podium

In First place - Mr Brownstone. Congratulations and well played.

A three way tie for second - Defence, Boats n Hoes, Inruin

So four people on the podium this year.

Well played all.
@Wrighty thanks for organizing this mate. It's great to fill in the off season with and great fun, good banter, particularly with this group of contestants, Wiz excluded of course.

I felt that you were itching to get involved too @Wrighty so lets see what we can make happen for the next game.
@Wrighty thanks for organizing this mate. It's great to fill in the off season with and great fun, good banter, particularly with this group of contestants, Wiz excluded of course.

I felt that you were itching to get involved too @Wrighty so lets see what we can make happen for the next game.
Thanks Inruin, you personally added a lot to the thread and were constantly encouraging others. You did well on all dimensions.
Thanks @Wrighty for once again rigging the game in my favour, brown paper bag coming your way
Thank you Mr B. Thanks also as always for giving input into the rules both in advance and during round one where we had a few teething issues. Helps to have a few old stagers from previous games to work these things through with,
@Wrighty thanks for organising and your time commitments. I think I enjoyed the bants more than the game though haha

Re: game feedback

Going 1st, 2nd and 3rd is definitely a disadvantage. I didn't realize it until just after the big spends happened. Those that went near around rounds 8-12 had the ability to really target spots/players they wanted.

How to fix? No snake order for a start. Then those going first should get more round bonus.

Now your next game night be really different so all my feedback will be for nought.

Also note, I definitely still wouldn't have won, so no sour grapes from me.
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