Social Wrighty presents Forum Sheep game for 2024 - Round 12 Underway

First off the non Mal Meninga News

Results Unofficial
David Furner -$100k Naumai Winning Bid and Black Sheep pick
Mick Cronin - two ties bids on $100K no one gets him.

The following two contestants did not make eligible bids @tyrael and @Boats n Hoes - both now have one infraction. Be sure to bid in the remaining rounds.
Mal Meninga $502K 5.00pm Bidder 6 “Zero chance of winning this player however Mal Meninga $502k”

Round Master Order

  1. Tyrael Complete
  2. Mr Brownstone Complete
  3. Muddogz Complete
  4. Inruin Complete
  5. Cces Complete
  6. Defence Complete
  7. Wrighty Round Complete
  8. BillySpleen Complete
  9. Naumai Footy Complete
  10. Boats n Hoes Complete
  11. Wizards Rage Complete
12 Wizards Rage Up Tomorrow
13 Boats n Hoes Up Soon
14 Naumai Footy
15 BillySpleen
16 Defence
17 Cces
18 Inruin
19 Muddogz
20 Mr Brownstone
21 Tyrael
As a patriotic kiwis fan, the criteria today focuses on the traditional kiwis tours of the 80’s and 90’s.

Criteria: kiwi’s squad members on the Kiwi tours of 1982, 1989 or 1993.

Open auction.

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