The first 3 weeks this was the backline. As close to first choice we got, minus CNK, then week 4 we lost Taine. Week 5 we got CNK back but lost DWZ. Week 6 we got DWZ back but lost
Metcalf. Kept that backline together till round 10 where we lost Montoya and had Kosi on the wing. Rd 11 we lost SJ, Berry and RTS, Taine and Ali and came in and CNK played 6. Rd 12 we lose CNK, Ali and Taine with DWZ playing fullback, Kosi onto the wing, MGT at centre and CHT to 6. Rd 14 CNK is back as is Berry. Rd 15 SJ back for CHT. Rd 16 we lose Berry and DWZ replaced by Kosi and RTS. Rd 17 we lose SJ again and DWZ comes back. Rd 18 we lose CNK, Montoya and DWZ in game against the dogs. Then last week we lose Taine and Pompey mid game.
She's been a tough slog for the boys.