NRL NRL Naughty chair

Holy shit, my mate got 6 months for drink driving at a booze bus.
This guy hurts people while driving without a license.
Fuck talk about a piss weak punishment.
Throw the book at him.......

What book?

The book about double and triple standards.

What a great lesson in life for Ezra. Not to mention his victims. They must not have been allowed to submit victim impact statements. Life. It's nothing like the brochure.

Marcelo gets 6 weeks for saying gay cunt, and was not in the slightest with a homophobic intention. This guy gets $850 whilst on 800k a year. It’s actually beyond a joke. Any normal citizen would be looking at some serious ramifications, home detention as a minimum.

The NRL need to hand a lengthy ban if they want any credibility now. Balls in their court.
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Pearce got 8 weeks for pretending to hump a dog
Leniu got 8 weeks for calling Mam a monkey
Vaughn got 8 weeks for hosting a 'rona barbie

I fail to see how this isn't at least 3x worse than those. Up to the NRL now, just have to hope they make the right call.. *laughing ensues*
Guess all we need is Selwyn Cobby to remark "like I said Kevvie isn't a real coach, that judge that was soft on Ezzie (whatever Selwyn calls him) isn't a real judge!"
We should have sent over a Warriors blazer for him to wear to his hearing. Then, life with no parole, solitary confinement 23 hours a day!
No conviction recorded either.
It’s a $1200 fine here if you’re caught on your ph while driving and he got $850 which is less than 0.01% of his salary :ROFLMAO: .
He literally got off Scott free- hard to believe.
Not that hard to believe in this current political and economic climate. Dude got what he deserved for being a high (intentional pun) profile sport player from a high profile sporting club in a high profile city.
So apparently the judge mentioned being in the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons was a punishment in itself? What type of bs is that?
I’m cautious of taking this thread down a rabbit hole, but the same treatment was given to golriz from the Green Party. The judges factor in the public scrutiny & how that affects their career as part of the punishment.

For me personally, you’re remuneration package is inclusive of being in the public eye & the scrutiny That this entails. No one in their right mind deserves 800k for playing sport, but you’re remunerated based on the other sacrifices you need to make & the responsibilities now placed upon you as a role model.
I’m cautious of taking this thread down a rabbit hole, but the same treatment was given to golriz from the Green Party. The judges factor in the public scrutiny & how that affects their career as part of the punishment.

For me personally, you’re remuneration package is inclusive of being in the public eye & the scrutiny That this entails. No one in their right mind deserves 800k for playing sport, but you’re remunerated based on the other sacrifices you need to make & the responsibilities now placed upon you as a role model.
When the case you mentioned for the Green Party MP first came to attention my thoughts were would the rest of us get treated a similar way? Or would we get a harsher penalty?

She also tried to get the conviction revoked using the argument about her work. Even though she didn't meet the requirements. If Mam's punishment was a bit tougher I wouldn't be surprised if it needed to be struck from his record so he could travel to play for the Broncos. Although besides New Zealand he is more likely to travel for end of season holidays.

My thoughts on the Mam case are similar. Imagine if someone else was driving without a license and had the same accident. There is also the impact on the people he hit.

The incidents people have listed here and the fines they received for stuff minor in comparison show there is something wrong. It can't all be down to having a better lawyer and a public profile. But you have to wonder. The law/justice system is supposed to be blind to those sorts of things.

The argument about being in the public profile means they get extra punishment doesn't really seem right either. Public profile can't be used. He may get a bit of criticism but how long will it last. On the flip side when someone is falsely accused it gets more media attention reporting like they are guilty. When it gets proven false the retractions typically do not get as much attention.
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