Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention Discussion
key: T = Team option, M = Mutual option, P = Player option, D = Development contract

Confirmed Top 30 2024: 28/30
Confirmed Development 2024: 5/6

Confirmed Top 30 2025: 26/30
Confirmed Development 2025: 1/6

2025 Gains: James Fisher-Harris (Panthers), Jett Cleary (Panthers Pathways), Kahu Capper (Roosters Pathways)
2025 Losses: Addin Fonua-Blake (Sharks)
2025 Off Contract: Shaun Johnson, Jazz Tevaga
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Gus Gould right now.
Why cant we have nice things. Imagine being RTS right now, being sold the dream to not head to Japan.

In all honesty the only option is to play hardball. Theres only one like for like player in the NRL and the Broncos arent letting him go. Theres nobody at a Sydney club that comes close to his output. Gonna have 1m in the cap and nobody to sign.


Rebuilding mode back in action

In a positive light, this will obviously place more emphasis to prioritise forward pack signings for the next 2-3 years
What? Shafting Curran by allowing him to earn more $ & getting more opportunities on the field elsewhere?
Shafting probably the wrong word in hindsight, but Curran had a contract with the club, club preferred to have a junior in that spot and saw an opportunity to save some $$ and let him go early for a better deal.

AFB has a contract with the club, AFB prefers to be in Sydney to be closer to his parents, approaches the club to leave early.

In reference to playing hardball or enforcing the contract it would be a bit hard to after setting that precedent.
On AFB, I'm thinking a reasonable compromise could be offering to release him from the 2025/2026 part of his contract with the potential for an earlier release if the right swap deal comes up. Gives us time to plan without screwing up next season, puts us in position to bargain for a good trade, and still shows good will to AFB so that hopefully he stays motivated to perform on the field while knowing it's not that long before he gets to move closer to family.
I feel sick.
Only silver lining could be the amount of cap it would free up...
Whats he on? 1.1M? add that to what we already have set aside and maybe we can get 2 really good ones? maybe try do a deal for the saifiti twins? or one of them plus leo thompson?
This is farked.
If anything this is a massive dog act to Curran...waiting for him to be released before saying anything.
That's an interesting angle to take.

As to AFB, on principle I'd release him: either the "compassionate grounds" are valid and it'd mess with his head him being here while whatever situation that requires compassion plays out in Sydney or he really means "Auckland's Macca's aren't as choice as Sydney's" and he's going to be a sulky prick all season if I say no.