NRL NRL Naughty chair

As much as Buzz Rothfield looks like he'd piss alcohol 24/7 he must be doing something right. Either drinking at home or more likely doing it at all of the functions so he gets everything for free and a ride home supplied.
Paul Kent was so confident in his assertions though it made it funny awful. Now someone in the panel is going to have to fake being the dominant voice. It just doesn't come across the same. Half the time Braith can't say anything as he has the player on his books.
The whole show just looks like a bunch of old guys sitting across from each other yelling randomly.
Kents was acting like an entitled little yapping dog.

Taking his watch off so it doesn't get scratched is what a guy who shouldn't be in street fights would do.

Be a different story if there was no one there to save Kent, he would have kept his mouth shut.
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