NRL NRL Naughty chair

I can see that annoyance not from just indigenous but also European Aussies.
A lot of Kiwis I know/see at work come to Australia and bag the shit out of it, saying how much better NZ is etc.
Totally get the patriotism but it can get bloody cringey.
Banter is one thing but it wears thin even with me and other Kiwis that see this behaviour.
When I first arrived in Oz I was always ribbed about the sheep shagging bit
At that time Aussie farmers were shooting their sheep as they had no feed during the drought.
My response was always.
At least in NZ we don't shoot them to death we shag them to death

From what I’ve been told from indigenous team mates the way some Maori act in Aus can rub them the wrong way at times.
Plenty of NZers can be a bit ‘over patriotic’ (particularly when they first arrive)which sometimes can come across as complaining about Aus or upping NZ.
This can be perceived as being an ungrateful guest and being a bit entitled/boastful particularly given the vast differences in how the indigenous populations of both countries fared with colonialism. Any complaint is perceived to take away focus and or minimise their own plight.
A large number of Australians won’t differentiate between Maori/Samoan/Tongan etc the same way you do in NZ, they pretty much come under the NZ banner even if say they’re Samoan that’s never been to NZ
Not wanting to open up a can of worms or a lengthy debate as to whether it’s fact or fiction but it was how it was explained to me.
Lol, I have mellowed heaps over the years but I remember doing my OE back in the day and hated my kiwi accent being mistaken for an Ozzie one! To the extent that I got a t-shirt printed with a caption I had seen on another one somewhere saying I'm not an Austruckinfalian!
Wore it to a Rolling Stones concert for Ethopia in Hyde Park and an Eric Clapton one at Crystal Palace soon after. Noone but other kiwis gave a razoo and we all got the joke.
Everyone's so sensitive these days! 🤣🤣🤣
Couldn't care less these days and got kids and other family over in Oz living their lives so yeah
Happy to leave this here.

Just because it's not derogatory to you doesn't mean it's not racist
Thank you. Having been quite confused at the (heightened) reactions to date, I was genuinely frustrated that a term we’ve (I’ve) used my whole life to describe an animal was these days offensive.

Perhaps I’m already on tilt given the huge influence some ridiculous woke perspectives have, and thereby linked this into that as another example.

I’m part Maori, couldn’t understand where the offence sat at all.

That article clears it up, perfectly.

And your comment after also correct, it not bothering me is not really the point here.

All in all, Spencer may have had a similar view until the elder sent him a message, perhaps similar to this.

If so and he revised his position accordingly, I have a little more empathy for him.

Sad series of events, but perhaps meant to happen for some of us to learn a little more and make better decisions accordingly.
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Thank you. Having been quite confused at the (heightened) reactions to date, I was genuinely frustrated that a term we’ve (I’ve) used my whole life to describe an animal was these days offensive.

Perhaps I’m already on tilt given the huge influence some ridiculous woke perspectives have, and thereby linked this into that as another example.

I’m part Maori, couldn’t understand where the offence sat at all.

That article clears it up, perfectly.

And your comment after also correct, it not bothering me is not really the point here.

All in all, Spencer may have had a similar view until the elder sent him a message, perhaps similar to this.

If so and he revised his position accordingly, I have a little more empathy for him.

Sad series of events, but perhaps meant to happen for some of us to learn a little more and make better decisions accordingly.
Wouldn't bet on it, Spencer doesn't come across as the smartest bloke, wouldn't say that to his face though in case he goes all crazy eyes.
Just heard on Brisbane radio, Dobbo i think saying there is audio coming out later this morning of an after game interview with Mitchell , Dobbo said the language was disgraceful and he really gave it to the media, guess we shall see.
It was on Triple M. He just dropped f bomb after f bomb, said something along the lines of he doesnt care he is swearing, Ginnane and whoever else cut him off pretty quickly and they didnt sound impressed. It was a really bizzare interview from Latrell actually. Sure at some point today the Tele & SMH will run it slamming him..

John Hopoate road rage incident: Video shared, both men fined​

Infamous Australian rugby league star John Hopoate will face a Sydney court this month over a violent road rage incident involving another motorist that he says “cried like a mutt”.

Hopoate is contesting a charge, saying that he did not instigate the fight - and has posted a video that shows him emphatically finishing it.

He posted video to his Instagram account on January 4, showing him standing over a man and thrusting his finger in his face.

Hopoate is heard swearing at the man, who appears to be holding up his hands to protect himself.

Under the video, Hopoate wrote: “When you’re (six foot, eight inches) and think your size can intimidate anyone … when you get out of your car and punch my mirror and (swing) at me during your road rage.

“You get the BITCH slapped out of you and you start yelling HELP ME RAPE. Then run to the cops like the little BITCH that you are and make the complaint lol.

“Doesn’t it suck that you got slapped and cried like a mut [sic], then ran and made a complaint and nothing is going to happen cause you started it lol.”

“Not everyone is scared of your size,” the 6ft Hopoate added.

The Daily Telegraph reported that police officers visited Hopoate at his Dee Why home on February 1 and issued him with a A$500 infringement notice for offensive behaviour.

Hopoate’s lawyer Mahmoud Abbas told the newspaper his client denies the allegation and was contesting the fine, saying: “He was not the aggressor.”

The other party, a 38-year-old man, was also given the same fine.

The Tongan-born hardman repeatedly fell foul of officials during his career, most notably for repeatedly forcing his fingers into the anus of his opponents.

“I’m proud of my finger antics,” Hopoate told NZME in 2019.

“You can either embrace it and make it a joke, or you’ll be getting angry your whole life because people will be hammering you about it. You just need to embrace it.

“When you make it a joke, people go ‘oh, he doesn’t care’ and they forget about it.”

“I always joke with the finger thing, I was doing my degree as prostate cancer doctor and part of my practical cause I couldn’t do my courses because I was playing full-time footy, I had practice on the field and that’s what I was doing. I was just raising awareness for prostate cancer.

“The NRL suspended me but I took the game global. They should’ve paid me. People in India knew who I was: ‘The finger man’.”

It was quite a hard case watching jennings run around again- poor old bugger got smashed into that goal post- looked like he should've been wearing different colored shorts so they weren't allowed to tackle him too hard.
I don't condone performance enhancing drugs buts he done his time and worked his way back- seems a bit silly to let him play but not recognize it...
The NRL aren't going to formally recognise Michael Jennings 300th game this weekend.
Due to his past conduct.
That's ridiculous. If you are going to take a stand then do it properly, and ban him from the game. No half in, half out stuff.

I'm not sure how they are going to implement this consistently through the years.
I don't condone performance enhancing drugs buts he done his time and worked his way back- seems a bit silly to let him play but not recognize it...
This won't be in relation to the drugs ban. It will be in letting a player back into the game who has been found to have engaged in domestic abuse and rape. I can see how this is murky for the NRL given there has been no criminal conviction. It puts them between a rock and a hard place, but you'd think a lost civil case of such magnitude would have made them steer clear of his reinstatement.
That's ridiculous. If you are going to take a stand then do it properly, and ban him from the game. No half in, half out stuff.

I'm not sure how they are going to implement this consistently through the years.

This won't be in relation to the drugs ban. It will be in letting a player back into the game who has been found to have engaged in domestic abuse and rape. I can see how this is murky for the NRL given there has been no criminal conviction. It puts them between a rock and a hard place, but you'd think a lost civil case of such magnitude would have made them steer clear of his reinstatement.
wait what? I don't know if I've heard about that- or maybe I have but forgot... :unsure:
It was quite a hard case watching jennings run around again- poor old bugger got smashed into that goal post- looked like he should've been wearing different colored shorts so they weren't allowed to tackle him too hard.
I don't condone performance enhancing drugs buts he done his time and worked his way back- seems a bit silly to let him play but not recognize it...
He had a good spread of silver in the hair too but he didn't let the team down. He played better on Friday than he did years ago when he was on the gear. If he hadn't been suspended, this would've been his 18th season in first grade!

Bizarre signing from the Roosters though, he did a job but he'd just be taking a spot off a young gun on their roster. He turns 36 next week.
Anyone see this latest brain explosion from Mad Jack 🤣

Both him and Mahoney were sinbinned and Jack waits for him up the tunnel and squares up. Probably will lose a week or two for being a dummy
I love how nuts he is. He's a throw back to the old days.
Whats the bet Mahoney was being a cheeky little bugger, looked like he was a bit scared Mad Jack was bouncing on his toes like Sugar Ray Robinson
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