Social 🦹 Crime.

With crime the first thing to remember is the statement crims live 'outside society' is crap. they live near us, their kids go to our kids schools, shop at the same places. the Police deal with these people, but so do Social agencies, housing, Public Health and others. I have met a few Community Nurses who are very intuitive and can identify them. Privacy restrictions have a big impact in a lack of information sharing.

This Docco is old and there have been a lot of developments in finding the answer to one of humanities greatest questions "Why are some people evil?"

Are they born evil? or are they made?

Any media on the topic of Psychopathy that bases its work on Robert Hare (Canadian Psychologist that created the first tool for identifying and measuring degrees of Psycopathy) is the real thing.

Robert Hare's work is basically the gold standard in the field, he is the John Douglas of Psychopathy.

I studied Hare in my training, while working with Psychopaths. I attribute my survival in those settings greatly to Hare's research and the basic fundamentals that these people are hard wired first and foremost, born with a gene for Evil, thereafter environment can only either be somewhat neutral towards their life path or aggravating.

The great man Hare is in this docco however where this docco varies from anything I have ever seen on the topic is that they break the rules and softly diagnose people like O.J. Simpson and Robert Maxwell (this is a big NO NO) but these guys are the world leaders in the field and somewhat do not give a shit...they have seen too much to stay in the neat and tidy bounds of political correctness and academic decorum.

We now know with brain scans etc that Hare was right.

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This Docco is old and there have been a lot of developments in finding the answer to one of humanities greatest questions "Why are some people evil?"

Are they born evil? or are they made?

Any media on the topic of Psychopathy that bases its work on Robert Hare (Canadian Psychologist that created the first tool for identifying and measuring degrees of Psycopathy) is the real thing.

Robert Hare's work is basically the gold standard in the field, he is the John Douglas of Psychopathy.

I studied Hare in my training, while working with Psychopaths. I attribute my survival in those settings greatly to Hare's research and the basic fundamentals that these people are hard wired first and foremost, born with a gene for Evil, thereafter environment can only either be somewhat neutral towards their life path or aggravating.

The great man Hare is in this docco (yes I am an academic fanboi) however where this docco varies from anything I have ever seen on the topic is that they break the rules and softly diagnose people like O.J. Simpson and Robert Maxwell (this is a big NO NO) but these guys are the world leaders in the field and somewhat do not give a shit...they have seen too much to stay in the neat and tidy bounds of political correctness and academic decorum.

We now know with brain scans etc that Hare was right.


Remember seeing this on tv, quite fascinating
I have seen that corporate ceo's and top executives score highly on psychopaths. Not an expert but not all psychopaths show it in crime. It shows a lack of empathy which can be a valuable asset in business.
Its exactly the same as how Esptein operated.
Bro we're men of the world here, there's nothing new about this, it's a story old as X.
There's Square people and Round people when it comes to butts, from your local crackhouse to the the Vatican. You're a little younger than me Sarge but don't tell me this is any surprise to you.


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