Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


You mean like it could be a parents job?

Over in the UK they are getting teachers to monitor the kids brushing their teeth because the parents aren’t doing it properly.

How long till they start that here? Maybe we should get the teachers to go and tuck the kids into bed at night as well…
I know what you mean but this is nothing new. Many years ago I was in Greenlane hospital with a broken nose and cheek bone after a footy injury and undergoing surgery.
I was in the ENT ward and there was a shitload of young kids running amok in the ward
So I asked the nurse why the kids were there as it didn't look like much was wrong with them?
She said that the kids had ear infections and needed drops morning and night and the parents couldn't be trusted to administer the drops.
I thought then wtf is wrong with some people. That was 50+ years ago.
Not sure much has changed 😕
I’ve been active in the property market lately. No more sitting on the sidelines! FOMO’s coming - prices are about to skyrocket! Just got to beat those first home buyers!

The property booms back baby! 💰💰💰.

Pisstake aimed our our lefty friends - or was it! 🤣
Tony Alexander does a monthly report on the state of real estate in NZ based on information supplied by real estate agents and investors. The RE agents are reporting more interest by both investors and FHB's.... wouldn't besurprised if we soon start to see prices slowly creeping up. When that happens, it will only be a short time until FOMO hits but I wouldn't expect that to put the increases up to COVID levels or even pre-COVID levels because KO and developers are too financially constrained to join in.
even pre-COVID levels because KO and developers are too financially constrained to join in.
Limited supply? Prices for the limited stock available will skyrocket even more! 💰💰💰💰💰

Seriously, I hated that 2022 Labour spendathon property boom. I remember enquiring about a JetSki, went back a week later to buy it and they had sold out and the price for new stock was 30% more. The first home buyers will never understand the problems we face…
Limited supply? Prices for the limited stock available will skyrocket even more! 💰💰💰💰💰

Seriously, I hated that 2022 Labour spendathon property boom. I remember enquiring about a JetSki, went back a week later to buy it and they had sold out and the price for new stock was 30% more. The first home buyers will never understand the problems we face…
There's currently an oversupply of terraced houses, especially in South and West Auckland. And they're going pretty cheap because developers are doing deals to get rid of the stock because holding costs are too high.
There's currently an oversupply of terraced houses, especially in South and West Auckland. And they're going pretty cheap because developers are doing deals to get rid of the stock because holding costs are too high.
I put in three offers over the last month and in all 3 cases was in a multi offer scenario.

Pissed me off by the third time and I ended up overpaying when I finally won one!

Never mind, repeat that across the country for the next few months and prices will rocket up. Things are heating up and we will have FOMO in action.
The RNZ anti woke article you posted. Did you read it?

Luxon: "We want to make sure it's a meritocracy, meritocracy, meritocracy... we need to make sure it's all about meritocracy."
So what are the parameters of a "meritocracy"? Who is deciding that? Hint: The Right. It seems the right are deciding those, precisely the point of the original post. And those parameters are deliberately divisive.


So they, like yourself, are making shit up to reinforce a deliberate strategy of a weaponised fake culture war.
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