Merry Christmas mate and let’s be thankful for our freedom from government interference to celebrate it as we wish!
What scares you in that article. Just seems an option piece of someone living in fear.
Quote:: ‘Under the guise of equality before the law and the rather boring talk of regulation and “cutting red tape” is a more insidious goal of stripping the democratic right to regulate business and corporate activity.’
Sounds like great intentions but someone with a bias looking for issues from a negative angle. So they have the power to strip democracy???
Also quoted: ‘This regulatory board would have sweeping oversight over all proposed government regulations, with the ability to make
non-binding recommendations.’
Damn. Lost all credibility there about undermining democracy and being so scary. Their sweeping oversight has no teeth. Just more dramatic propaganda from the left…
Have a good break buddy, don’t spend your time off getting lost down any rabbit holes