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Can you imagine a movie where the main character is called He-Man in 2023? Would get yelled down before anyone could even call action.

Give me a teacher version of Skeletor where he educates his class with "Untill we meet again" facts for 90 minutes thanks.

Wonka's Timothée Chalamet 'warned' over 'sexy Hull accent' comment​

    • Published
      12 hours ago
Timothée Chalamet in Wonka
Image caption,
The actor's comments have attracted amusement on social media
Hollywood actor Timothée Chalamet has been jokingly warned his comments about Hull having a "sexy" accent will see him "savaged by middle-aged women".
The star of the new Willy Wonka film revealed his love for the northern twang in an interview with LadBible.
The actor admitted he also loved the Essex accent and a "middle-aged northern accent".
TV star Lucy Beaumont, from Hull, said she was baffled as to why Chalamet would find it attractive.
In the clip, Chalamet said: "I like the Hull accent... Hull is sexy."
After people behind the camera starting laughing, the actor said: "Why is everyone cracking up?"

Responding to his remarks on BBC Radio 5Live, Beaumont said: "I think he's on drugs.
"I've had this accent for 40 years and no-one has ever told me it's sexy."
The actress, who wrote the sitcom Hullraisers, added: "He looks like a very lovely young man and he should stay away from the region or he'll be savaged by middle-aged Hull women."
Lucy Beaumont
Image caption,
Lucy Beaumont also wrote BBC radio sitcom To Hull and Back
Chalamet's comments attracted surprise on social media, with one person writing: "Timothée Chalamet saying Hull is sexy is the highlight of my year."
Another said: "Can someone ask Timothée Chalamet how he knows that Hull exists?!"
Chalamet plays the character previously depicted by Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp in earlier adaptations of the children's novel. The film was released on Friday.

Wonka's Timothée Chalamet 'warned' over 'sexy Hull accent' comment​

    • Published
      12 hours ago
Timothée Chalamet in Wonka
Image caption,
The actor's comments have attracted amusement on social media
Hollywood actor Timothée Chalamet has been jokingly warned his comments about Hull having a "sexy" accent will see him "savaged by middle-aged women".
The star of the new Willy Wonka film revealed his love for the northern twang in an interview with LadBible.
The actor admitted he also loved the Essex accent and a "middle-aged northern accent".
TV star Lucy Beaumont, from Hull, said she was baffled as to why Chalamet would find it attractive.
In the clip, Chalamet said: "I like the Hull accent... Hull is sexy."
After people behind the camera starting laughing, the actor said: "Why is everyone cracking up?"

Responding to his remarks on BBC Radio 5Live, Beaumont said: "I think he's on drugs.
"I've had this accent for 40 years and no-one has ever told me it's sexy."
The actress, who wrote the sitcom Hullraisers, added: "He looks like a very lovely young man and he should stay away from the region or he'll be savaged by middle-aged Hull women."
Lucy Beaumont
Image caption,
Lucy Beaumont also wrote BBC radio sitcom To Hull and Back
Chalamet's comments attracted surprise on social media, with one person writing: "Timothée Chalamet saying Hull is sexy is the highlight of my year."
Another said: "Can someone ask Timothée Chalamet how he knows that Hull exists?!"
Chalamet plays the character previously depicted by Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp in earlier adaptations of the children's novel. The film was released on Friday.
He's playing Dylan in his next movie, Bob sang like Caruso apparently
He's the perfect bloke to do the George Formby Story in his sexy Wigan accent
The constant references to ‘Mother!!!’ and ‘Turned out nice again’ might stretch the American method acting style a bit imho

Seriously, Formby might make an interesting film. A bit of a character including being a philanderer. His Missus even threatened at least one of his co-stars. She could probably handle herself a bit, iirc a former clog dancing champion (you couldn’t make it up tbh!)
Best Godzilla movie for decades out now, made by Toho Japan itself. Might be out of theatres next week, the demand is still there today tho

Thursday US box office Top 2 were both Japanese films, shows how far Hollywood has fallen and people want alternatives. And Toho made it for only $15M, makes you wonder where the money went with all those $300M flops Disney and WBD put out this year
Best Godzilla movie for decades out now, made by Toho Japan itself. Might be out of theatres next week, the demand is still there today tho

Thursday US box office Top 2 were both Japanese films, shows how far Hollywood has fallen and people want alternatives. And Toho made it for only $15M, makes you wonder where the money went with all those $300M flops Disney and WBD put out this year


Looks farking epic!!
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On the toy lines being made into movies. I've thought since the comic book movies are now struggling the toy franchises would be a good genre to move into.

The Transformers movies have had some nice moments. I didn't mind the 2007 one and the 3rd one where they contain the final act within Chicago. The problem was they kept doing stories that they had been to earth before. Also with the Michael Bay movies you could barely distinguish the characters as all of the Transformers looked pretty similar colour wise. Especially the Decepticons, usually all metal.

The Bumblebee movie was different and had a classic feel to it.

The GI Joe movies I end up watching the first one and think it isn't as bad as I remember it. Then they put on those stupid tech suits. The second one was a lot better and it pulled some of the stories from the comics. The Snake Eyes movie was the total opposite of the character. The original is a blond guy who suffers some horrific accidents and can't speak. He goes to train in Japan. Sure the can't speak and hidden face isn't great for a movie but it can still be done with the characters around him or the story how he gets to that point. The movie they did the guy was the complete opposite. A loud mouth, thief who was betraying everyone.

The Masters of the Universe has been stuck in development hell for 10-20 years bouncing around different studios. The original had some charm to it and the usual 80s bring the story to earth to make it relatable and to save costs. It was done by Cannon Films so money was tight. It is a franchise that would work better now on the big screen. As in the 80s they didn't use some of the characters as they didn't have the technology or they would have been to expensive using up all of the effects budget. Masters of the Universe is basically a fantasy film with some sci fi tech thrown in. They have multiple bad villains they could use to mix it up.
Gaming seems to be doing pretty well recently particularly in series vs movies.
My biggest problem with the transformers franchise is you couldn’t tell them apart or who was who in most cases, that and the focus on human characters-full length movie in the style of that opening scene of bumblebee would be perfect.
Big problem with marvel franchises at the moment is their insistence of adapting an unpopular period of comics to better fit into a certain agenda rather than sticking with the proven classics. It was shown a long time ago that the movies didn’t really increase comic consumption so seems odd to adapt what had a negative impact on their comic readership.
Toy franchises are a tough one as kids don’t buy action figures like they used to, the major consumer now is the adult collector- I’d almost do a ‘reverse Pixar’ and tailor to an adult audience but have a level that kids could just enjoy the cool imagery
The best comment I think I've read on a possible movie adaptation from a toy line is a plot involving Ken, Action Man, Stretch Armstrong and Mr Potato Head where they learn what it is to be a man and that they come in all shapes and sizes.
Gaming seems to be doing pretty well recently particularly in series vs movies.
My biggest problem with the transformers franchise is you couldn’t tell them apart or who was who in most cases, that and the focus on human characters-full length movie in the style of that opening scene of bumblebee would be perfect.
Big problem with marvel franchises at the moment is their insistence of adapting an unpopular period of comics to better fit into a certain agenda rather than sticking with the proven classics. It was shown a long time ago that the movies didn’t really increase comic consumption so seems odd to adapt what had a negative impact on their comic readership.
Toy franchises are a tough one as kids don’t buy action figures like they used to, the major consumer now is the adult collector- I’d almost do a ‘reverse Pixar’ and tailor to an adult audience but have a level that kids could just enjoy the cool imagery
Video Game franchises is another one I've thought would be a genre to adapt if done right.

Some of the Tom Clancy games like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six as elite units.

Call of Duty you could follow a family through various wars starting with WW2 and Vietnam before going into Modern Warfare or Black Ops.

Grand Theft Auto could have some narration about the crazy things that happen in Vice City, Liberty City etc and say this is mine. I've often though watching some episodes of some shows especially Sons of Anarchy came off like GTA. On SOA they'd be somewhere and get a phone call and everyone needs to rush off like what can happen in GTA.

The comics the quote I've heard is they are ignoring the comics that sold 100,000s or higher and are adapting the ones that sold 10,000 or less.

On targeting the adult collector there is a movie in development for Action Force which was an 80s UK toy brand and is now a military line aimed at collectors.
Video Game franchises is another one I've thought would be a genre to adapt if done right.

Some of the Tom Clancy games like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six as elite units.

Call of Duty you could follow a family through various wars starting with WW2 and Vietnam before going into Modern Warfare or Black Ops.

Grand Theft Auto could have some narration about the crazy things that happen in Vice City, Liberty City etc and say this is mine. I've often though watching some episodes of some shows especially Sons of Anarchy came off like GTA. On SOA they'd be somewhere and get a phone call and everyone needs to rush off like what can happen in GTA.

The comics the quote I've heard is they are ignoring the comics that sold 100,000s or higher and are adapting the ones that sold 10,000 or less.

On targeting the adult collector there is a movie in development for Action Force which was an 80s UK toy brand and is now a military line aimed at collectors.
Always thought metal gear solid would make a great movie after all in the game the cinematics occasionally take a break for a short period of gameplay ;)
Seems to be forever stuck in development hell though
Can you imagine a movie where the main character is called He-Man in 2023? Would get yelled down before anyone could even call action.

Give me a teacher version of Skeletor where he educates his class with "Untill we meet again" facts for 90 minutes thanks.
He Man got a lot of criticism in the 80s for the cartoon due to violence. That proved the critics didn't watch it as it was kid friendly with a message afterwards.

The modern problem is the virtue signalling just targets the name and thinks misogyny and doesn't look at the character. The character of He Man basically helps people. The old cartoon or mini comics were fill of stories like that. The modern virtue signalling nonsense hating males need to realise boys need role models or characters to look to as well.

The GTA 6 trailer has only been out for a few days and there is criticism wanting know the characters pronouns or the fact one of the protagonists is a female which is what people were asking for doesn't seem good enough they want them to go by they/them or something. I hope GTA continues to mock what ever is happening in modern culture. Going down the modern route didn't work well for Saints Row.
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