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Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile are two of my favourite movies ever. These are my top five:
Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Goodfellas, Snatch and Saving Private Ryan.
i’d have shawshank and snatch on my top 10 i reckon.

off the top of my head, my 5 would probably be and in no particular order…

royal tennenbaums
kill bill v.1
dead man
garden state.

honerable mention;

hotel budapest
Interesting movie, I didn't know Russell Crowe was Italian. I mean he never had that accent in Gladiator. :cool:

Speaking of, I don't have much nostalgia for Gladiator, my favourite Rusty is The Insider.

I've been on a Michael Mann rewatch kick since NRL finished.

The Insider,
& Collateral

All still awesome.

Last of the Mohicans doesn't do much for me, but i'm slowly coming around to the charms of Miami Vice.

Also, Master & Commander is underated Rusty.
I remember being disappointed as a kid as to how far removed the movie was from the cartoon. Think they basically took over the sets/scripts etc of another failed sci-fi movie and sorta blended parts to save costs etc hence some of the Jack Kirby pastiche’s etc.
Skeletor/He-Man/Evil-Lynn we’re pretty good didnt even realise until I was a bit older that Beast man/Man-at-arms/Tesla were in the movie and I guess that goblin dwarf thing was supposed to be a reimagined Orco?

Funny thing is that in the original cartoon He-Man was not allowed to punch anyone. He could punch rocks, but any people he picked them up and threw them.

Would have made for a weird live action movie.
Speaking of, I don't have much nostalgia for Gladiator, my favourite Rusty is The Insider.

I've been on a Michael Mann rewatch kick since NRL finished.

The Insider,
& Collateral

All still awesome.

Last of the Mohicans doesn't do much for me, but i'm slowly coming around to the charms of Miami Vice.

Also, Master & Commander is underated Rusty.

Speaking of gladiators, I heard they’re
gonna do a re-run of Highlander.

Highlander, braveheart and Last of the Mohicans, if you wanna get nostalgic. Mel Gibson and Daniel Day-Lewis - fantastic actors.

Dances with wolves is another epic. The only decent film Kevie Costner was in.

All shit on Gladiator and that traitor Russell Crowe…. 🤮
Forgot to mention The Pianist with Adrien Brody is a great movie as well. Brody is a bit of an underrated actor.

Pianist or Schindler’s List?

I think Schindlers list was the most disturbing war film I ever watched ….

Saving Private Ryan was good but it wasn’t disturbing on the atrocity level … Pianist was closer

Full Metal Jacket was pretty messed up. Platoon was pretty good…
Speaking of, I don't have much nostalgia for Gladiator, my favourite Rusty is The Insider.

I've been on a Michael Mann rewatch kick since NRL finished.

The Insider,
& Collateral

All still awesome.

Last of the Mohicans doesn't do much for me, but i'm slowly coming around to the charms of Miami Vice.

Also, Master & Commander is underated Rusty.

Comparing Last of the Mohican’s with Miami Vice? as in Don Johnson Miami Vice? … the fark is wrong with you 😂????
Speaking of gladiators, I heard they’re
gonna do a re-run of Highlander.

Highlander, braveheart and Last of the Mohicans, if you wanna get nostalgic. Mel Gibson and Daniel Day-Lewis - fantastic actors.

Dances with wolves is another epic. The only decent film Kevie Costner was in.

All shit on Gladiator and that traitor Russell Crowe…. 🤮
There’s a Gladiator sequel out next year too


Remember the old thundercats on around the same time as he man? Would have been crazy if this movie had have happened.

I completely forgot that people used to make these fake trailers - so much effort put into them.
It took them 25 years to make a live action GI Joe movie and it was horrendous. I'm just grateful there weren't more live-action versions of my favourite cartoons.
I completely forgot that people used to make these fake trailers - so much effort put into them.
It took them 25 years to make a live action GI Joe movie and it was horrendous. I'm just grateful there weren't more live-action versions of my favourite cartoons.
Some of those fake ones have had me thinking he I didn't realise this was coming out.

They got Bruce once as he posted on here about a new Bourne movie with Matt Damon I think it was. I ended up doing what I normally do check the actors IMDB or Wikipedia for their upcoming projects.
On the toy lines being made into movies. I've thought since the comic book movies are now struggling the toy franchises would be a good genre to move into.

The Transformers movies have had some nice moments. I didn't mind the 2007 one and the 3rd one where they contain the final act within Chicago. The problem was they kept doing stories that they had been to earth before. Also with the Michael Bay movies you could barely distinguish the characters as all of the Transformers looked pretty similar colour wise. Especially the Decepticons, usually all metal.

The Bumblebee movie was different and had a classic feel to it.

The GI Joe movies I end up watching the first one and think it isn't as bad as I remember it. Then they put on those stupid tech suits. The second one was a lot better and it pulled some of the stories from the comics. The Snake Eyes movie was the total opposite of the character. The original is a blond guy who suffers some horrific accidents and can't speak. He goes to train in Japan. Sure the can't speak and hidden face isn't great for a movie but it can still be done with the characters around him or the story how he gets to that point. The movie they did the guy was the complete opposite. A loud mouth, thief who was betraying everyone.

The Masters of the Universe has been stuck in development hell for 10-20 years bouncing around different studios. The original had some charm to it and the usual 80s bring the story to earth to make it relatable and to save costs. It was done by Cannon Films so money was tight. It is a franchise that would work better now on the big screen. As in the 80s they didn't use some of the characters as they didn't have the technology or they would have been to expensive using up all of the effects budget. Masters of the Universe is basically a fantasy film with some sci fi tech thrown in. They have multiple bad villains they could use to mix it up.
Pianist or Schindler’s List?

I think Schindlers list was the most disturbing war film I ever watched ….

Saving Private Ryan was good but it wasn’t disturbing on the atrocity level … Pianist was closer

Full Metal Jacket was pretty messed up. Platoon was pretty good…

Pianist or Schindler’s List?

I think Schindlers list was the most disturbing war film I ever watched ….

Saving Private Ryan was good but it wasn’t disturbing on the atrocity level … Pianist was closer

Full Metal Jacket was pretty messed up. Platoon was pretty good…
Come And See, Russian movie by eye witness in Belarus Elem Klimov. Saw it on tvnz as a teenager in the 80s on Friday night around the time they showed the doco series The Shoah and The Death of Yugoslavia. Still haunts me, along with my own granddad's stories of Dachau.

On the toy lines being made into movies. I've thought since the comic book movies are now struggling the toy franchises would be a good genre to move into.

The Transformers movies have had some nice moments. I didn't mind the 2007 one and the 3rd one where they contain the final act within Chicago. The problem was they kept doing stories that they had been to earth before. Also with the Michael Bay movies you could barely distinguish the characters as all of the Transformers looked pretty similar colour wise. Especially the Decepticons, usually all metal.

The Bumblebee movie was different and had a classic feel to it.

The GI Joe movies I end up watching the first one and think it isn't as bad as I remember it. Then they put on those stupid tech suits. The second one was a lot better and it pulled some of the stories from the comics. The Snake Eyes movie was the total opposite of the character. The original is a blond guy who suffers some horrific accidents and can't speak. He goes to train in Japan. Sure the can't speak and hidden face isn't great for a movie but it can still be done with the characters around him or the story how he gets to that point. The movie they did the guy was the complete opposite. A loud mouth, thief who was betraying everyone.

The Masters of the Universe has been stuck in development hell for 10-20 years bouncing around different studios. The original had some charm to it and the usual 80s bring the story to earth to make it relatable and to save costs. It was done by Cannon Films so money was tight. It is a franchise that would work better now on the big screen. As in the 80s they didn't use some of the characters as they didn't have the technology or they would have been to expensive using up all of the effects budget. Masters of the Universe is basically a fantasy film with some sci fi tech thrown in. They have multiple bad villains they could use to mix it up.
I think even now that Masters of the Universe would be hard to pull off. Even if they could, technologically, I think they would struggle to hit the tone that could capture the magic of it. The most un-apologetic (and best) adaptation of something so outlandish/cartoonish was the Netflix One Piece live-action series, and even that had to be quite selective in what it kept and left behind from the original material.

I really think GI Joe had the best chance to being a successful movie franchise, but they really struggled to determine who their audience was. I took my wife (then girlfriend) to see that first movie for our first date. What an idiot, I'm lucky I'm married.
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