Social 🆚 NZWarriors NRLFantasy Competiton 2024

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Grab Walker as a yolo
I was just about to give it a miss until I saw your message.

Even though Walker has put up back to back scores of 60 at lock....I don't know....he doesn't fill me with confidence or strike me as much of a YOLO moment. I will sleep on it overnight. Do you have Walker Dan? Are you happy with him?
Walker has been good last two weeks for me. It's definitely an upgrade but if you can field 17/18 why trade?
I do have 17 but the reason for tradiing him is that I will need him round 23 and round 24 when some of my top 17 have byes
I was just about to give it a miss until I saw your message.

Even though Walker has put up back to back scores of 60 at lock....I don't know....he doesn't fill me with confidence or strike me as much of a YOLO moment. I will sleep on it overnight. Do you have Walker Dan? Are you happy with him?
Na I don't have him, grabbed Curran instead because he has no more byes.
Anyone else on zero trades? Lol.

Barring catastrophic injury (touch wood) I'll be able to field a decent 17 through to the end of the season.
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