Current Affairs ⚔️ Ukraine - Russia War

You do not get to lead zrussia by being weak. Put in is a hard bastard but as a leader he overshadows most western leaders. Given the chance he is the most pro western Russian leader ever his job is to protect and preserve Russia. He will not allow interests othe than Russian interests to happen

I really don't respect Putin because he eliminates all his critics and opposition. If he was truly the great leader you fans think he is, he'd stay in power through the strength of his leadership alone. Right?
According to who? His enemies? He literally talks about the CIA arming and funding rebels and terrorist in the Caucasuses.

The US has been openly trying to destroy his county. So again, all lives are expendable, it’s how you expend them. If Russia truly collapsed like Latin America did, how many millions would die?
You do not get to lead zrussia by being weak. Put in is a hard bastard but as a leader he overshadows most western leaders. Given the chance he is the most pro western Russian leader ever his job is to protect and preserve Russia. He will not allow interests othe than Russian interests to happen
Also remember Putin is considered a *centralist* by Russian standards. Imagine someone to the right of him coming in.
According to who? His enemies? He literally talks about the CIA arming and funding rebels and terrorist in the Caucasuses.
C'mon, he's killing them and you know it. Everyone that has stood up to him in Russia has been poisoned, shot, jailed or just fallen out of a fkn window ffs.

He's the man for the job for sure, no normal man could lead Russia. But he's not the fantastic leader you make him out to be because he's faced no real competition. Even that egotistical dickhead Musk says Putin's the richest man in the world yet his people in the regions are starving? He was the shit 20 years ago, now he's spouting history and living off old glory. Old Russia still loves him, young Russia would like a choice but he's got the people living in fear of the NATO boogeyman.

The US are evil, Russia's evil and China's evil, which one is the lesser of the three evils? Whoever's got the best trade deals I guess.
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this is the stupidity of regime change. Russia is a conservative Christian nation. There are Russian politicians who would be content with war against the west.
Are the conservative orthodox Christians generally supportive of Putin, or is he just the lesser evil
C'mon, he's killing them and you know it. Everyone that has stood up to him in Russia has been poisoned, shot, jailed or just fallen out of a fkn window ffs.
No doubt the Russian state drops bodies. But please, don’t for one second pretend that your knowledge of Russian domestic politics is anything other than what your media tells you.
He's the man for the job for sure, no normal man could lead Russia. But he's not the fantastic leader you make him out to be because he's faced no real competition.
Faced no real competition? Compared to who? Christopher Luxon??

Even that egotistical dickhead Musk says Putin's the richest man in the world yet his people in the regions are starving?
People hungry in NZ. At least Russia has an excuse.
He was the shit 20 years ago, now he's spouting history and living off old glory. Old Russia still loves him, young Russia would like a choice but he's got the people living in fear of the NATO boogeyman.
No, he’s explaining in context, why history matters. It may not matter to you, but you aren’t leading, or even involved geopolitical conflicts.
The US are evil, Russia's evil and China's evil, which one is the lesser of the three evils? Whoever's got the best trade deals I guess.
No, the concept of good and evil is for children.
I’m not claiming the Russian state isnt dropping bodies. Im claiming that selectively it’s more effective than the wests industrial warfare.

Imagine if Vietnam had been solved by a hundred summary executions? Or Korea, or Iraq, or Afghanistan.
5mins of research gives us this gem.

Of particular note is how many of the Scott Trust Ltd have connections to the United States. Vivian Schilleris formerly of CNN, NBC and the NYTimes, Emily Bellis a Professor and Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York. This sits perfectly with the vision that The Guardian has of its online presence.”

the Scott Trust Ltd Is the company the owns the Guardian.
I’m not claiming the Russian state isnt dropping bodies. Im claiming that selectively it’s more effective than the wests industrial warfare.

Imagine if Vietnam had been solved by a hundred summary executions? Or Korea, or Iraq, or Afghanistan.
You’re a dying breed of cold calculating logic.

The world needs more logic and pragmatism and less idealism.

I support Frank to overthrow the Aussie govt and install himself as a dictator - it’s for the greater good!
You’re a dying breed of cold calculating logic.

The world needs more logic and pragmatism and less idealism.

I support Frank to overthrow the Aussie govt and install himself as a dictator - it’s for the greater good!
I get the vibe from Putin. He’s literally begging to work with West. Explains why you have to work with China.

But you also can’t let some bullshit get in the way of the safety and security of the people you are sworn to protect.

Russia has prospered since 2000. The US has floundered.
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