Social ⚔️ Palestine, Israel war.

Isn’t the 200 dead civilians on Hamas for taking and keeping the hostages in the first place?
Collective punishment is a war crime.
Hamas has also agreed to most of the 11 ceasefire proposals which incl hostage release, Israel has rejected each one.

Israel holds somewhere in the vicinity 3,500 Palestinians in administrative detention (held without charge).
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Collective punishment is a war crime.
Hamas has also agreed to most of the 11 ceasefire proposals which incl hostage release, Israel has rejected each one.

Israel holds somewhere in the vicinity 3,500 Palestinians in administrative detention (held without charge).
An operation to save hostages where civilians die is not automatically collective punishment. It could be accidental or unavoidable to kill. Without an investigation we can’t establish whether it was collective punishment. I don’t like the murder of any woman or child but in this case we can’t make definitive claims on either side of the argument.

Amnesty international says:
“In situations of armed conflict, not all civilian casualties will be necessarily unlawful. However, deaths and injuries of civilians are often an indication that something has gone wrong. This could be the result of a violation of the rules, even of criminal wrongdoing; or it could be the result of an accident, mistake or malfunction of a weapons system, or the incidental result of a lawful attack.”
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The extremists fundamentalist Arabs are not victims my friend, they are aggressors and often the initiators. The people I feel sorry for more than the Jews however are the innocent non radicalised people amongst the arabs who do not deserve the crap they receive because of the extremists.
50 years of land grabs, look at the shrinking territories maps.
IDF are M.I. Complex private army to destabilise the M.E. at get irans oil💀
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its much more nuanced then the above article. The Palestinians have had issues in Arab countries, the Arab countries would be happy for them to leave and go to the west for Dawah (Islamic evangelism and spread) & lots of other issues.
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its much more nuanced then the above article. The Palestinians have had issues in Arab countries, the Arab countries would be happy for them to leave and go to the west for Dawah (Islamic evangelism and spread) & lots of other issues.

No thats our own rhetoric you keep pushing and angling the "they want to kill you all/terrorists!' angle.

Them leaving Gaza would be the best option from Israel perspective. They lose their rights to fight for statehood, they can never come back and the ethnic cleansing continues.
No thats our own rhetoric you keep pushing and angling the "they want to kill you all/terrorists!' angle.

Them leaving Gaza would be the best option from Israel perspective. They lose their rights to fight for statehood, they can never come back and the ethnic cleansing continues.
Ok, don’t misquote me. I don’t believe all Palestinians want to kill the Jews, some work in Jerusalem and some have Jewish friends and even family. It’s the radicals. Yes the Islamic extremists absolutely want to kill the Jews. Don’t believe what I say, read what your friends Hamas says:

The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [holy possession] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part or abandon it or any part of it. (Hamas Charter, Article 11).
Palestine is an Islamic land... Since this is the case, the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Muslim wherever he may be. (Hamas Charter, Article 13).

The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.(Hamas Charter, Article 13).
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Ok, don’t misquote me. I don’t believe all Palestinians want to kill the Jews, some work in Jerusalem and some have Jewish friends and even family. It’s the radicals. Yes the Islamic extremists absolutely want to kill the Jews. Don’t believe what I say, read what your friends Hamas says:

The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.(Hamas Charter, Article 13).
Please watch this in full:

Lol someone comes and steals your home, commits all sorts of atrocities and the Palestinians are meant to turn the other cheek?! Clown world...

You could say the exact same things about what the Palestinians have done to the Jews - cause the Palestinians and the whole world are finding out what happens when you mess with them (Jews).

I don’t think it’s great how its happened though. I don’t like all the civilian deaths. I’ve thought long and hard and believe the only way is to forgive. For either the Jews or the Palestinians to let the past go, humble themselves and forgive the other side. I can’t see any other way. That way however is almost guaranteed to never happen. But it’s the only hope I think.

There’s lots of problems like worldviews and ideologies but it would be absolutely startling/shocking for the other side to see such humility in heat of years of rage. This is what we should protest and call for, perhaps. That way everyone could unite.
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You could say the exact same things about what the Palestinians have done to the Jews - cause the Palestinians and the whole world are finding out what happens when you mess with them (Jews).

I don’t think it’s great how its happened though. I don’t like all the civilian deaths. I’ve thought long and hard and believe the only way is to forgive. For either the Jews or the Palestinians to let the past go, humble themselves and forgive the other side. I can’t see any other way. That way however is almost guaranteed to never happen. But it’s the only hope I think.

There’s lots of problems like worldviews and ideologies but it would be absolutely startling/shocking for the other side to see such humility in heat of years of rage. This is what we should protest and call for, perhaps. That way everyone could unite.
Why should the palestinians who are being opressed every single moment of their living life forgive and forget? Should they just try to live their lives and ignore what they face everyday?
F-35s vs.donkey
v.s. donkey🙄
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Why should the palestinians who are being opressed every single moment of their living life forgive and forget? Should they just try to live their lives and ignore what they face everyday?

In short, they have had their land taken from them in the 7th century AD,
They have been driven out of many countries. Especially the countries Arabs have colonised. They finally got their land back only to be attacked numerous times. Every neighbouring country have hated them and at sometime attempted to destroy them. Sometimes all at once. The radical elements in their Neighbouring countries aim is their destruction. It is a very part of the existence of many people in those lands. Some of those radical extremist elements run the governments in some of the neighbouring countries. They have possibly been murdered and persecuted more than any other group of people. But people say, they are the land grabbers, they are the colonisers, they are hateful ones. Quite unbelievable.

Some people attribute the hatred toward the Jews to the recent occupation. My friends there was no occupation when religious books in the 7th century called for them to be murdered and hunted down. The hatred existed long before claimed occupation. This is a deep and complexed issue, that people have been sucked into. And are inadvertently supporting the same hatred that has existed well over a thousand years.
In short, they have had their land taken from them in the 7th century AD,
They have been driven out of many countries. Especially the countries Arabs have colonised. They finally got their land back only to be attacked numerous times. Every neighbouring country have hated them and at sometime attempted to destroy them. Sometimes all at once. The radical elements in their Neighbouring countries aim is their destruction. It is a very part of the existence of many people in those lands. Some of those radical extremist elements run the governments in some of the neighbouring countries. They have possibly been murdered and persecuted more than any other group of people. But people say, they are the land grabbers, they are the colonisers, they are hateful ones. Quite unbelievable.

Some people attribute the hatred toward the Jews to the recent occupation. My friends there was no occupation when religious books in the 7th century called for them to be murdered and hunted down. The hatred existed long before claimed occupation. This is a deep and complexed issue, that people have been sucked into. And are inadvertently supporting the same hatred that has existed well over a thousand years.
Agree, they should move out of their homes to the safe haven of USA. No persecution there. Doesnt USA want them?