Support Site Bugs / Feature Requests

BTW there's a large piece of work being commissioned for work* on next year. If you have any suggestions please feel free to message through so it can be considered within the project.

* mostly to do with player ratings, info for all current and historical games, interlinked with info on the player profiles. Consider it a similar to rugbyleagueproject(that site is amazing) but more focussed on warriors.
thanks for getting rid of that countdown of the days remaining to the opening game of the '24 season - it was a torture. Maybe bring it back when there's one day to go!
@tajhay - this happens for me with twitter links and youtube video too. It seems to come right if you refresh the page once or twice.
Happens on both mobile and web (PC).
I have updated a few things in the space right now. If you spot that again can you please post the thread/post number so can be investigated further?
@tajhay is there a way to reply to a post but in a different thread? So that instead of derailing a thread it can be switched to a more relevant one? So for example, I want to reply to worried3death's post in the relationship thread but do it in the thread I just created 'religion, Spirituality..'

Is that possible or do you just have to copy and paste and tag the person in the thread you want to use?
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Is that possible or do you just have to copy and paste and tag the person in the thread you want to use?
Yeah that would be the best way to do it. Other option would be to create new thread and report the post you want to reply to to be moved to the new thread and mods can move that for you
Users who do not want to see Social Forum posts, can now have them automatically hidden.

To do so:
1. Goto your Account Preferences(
2. Scroll till you see the following block of options:

If checked as above, the specific forums posts will be hidden.
3. Click Save to update your settings.

Every 20 odd minutes a job is run that uses this information to update your account previledges based on these user controlled settings.

TLDR; The above is useful for users who do not want to see Politics, Religion, threads about other sports, forum games etc content on the site. If you dont mind seeing them, dont need to bother with the above.
For the threads that have a "helpful" banner with links to additional info, such as the Politics and Palestine topics, is it possible for that not to be ALWAYS showing on screen (like, just at the top of each page, not fixed when scrolling)?

When using a phone and just reading the thread, its merely an inconvenience (need to scroll more than normal threads with reduction of content viewable onscreen at a given moment) which is tolerable I guess 😅

But when trying to create or edit a post, nearly half the screen is already taken up by phone keyboard, then nearly half the remaining screen is taken up by the floating banner, and trying to see what you are typing let alone scrolling up and down to specific parts of a post you want to change let alone finding the Save/Post button is an exercise in ultimate frustration 😅

Thank you 🙏
For the threads that have a "helpful" banner with links to additional info, such as the Politics and Palestine topics, is it possible for that not to be ALWAYS showing on screen (like, just at the top of each page, not fixed when scrolling)?

When using a phone and just reading the thread, its merely an inconvenience (need to scroll more than normal threads with reduction of content viewable onscreen at a given moment) which is tolerable I guess 😅

But when trying to create or edit a post, nearly half the screen is already taken up by phone keyboard, then nearly half the remaining screen is taken up by the floating banner, and trying to see what you are typing let alone scrolling up and down to specific parts of a post you want to change let alone finding the Save/Post button is an exercise in ultimate frustration 😅

Thank you 🙏
Yep agreed. Been meaning to fix that for a while now. It should be OK now. If not please let me know.
The pages keep jumping up and then back down while reading every 10-20 seconds or so. It only started doing it in the last couple of days. iPhone 11.

Not all pages (eg not this thread) is it something to do with ads or pictures or links loading? Can’t figure out what’s causing it.

Jumps approx 1 post up then a second or so later jumps back to where you were.
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The pages keep jumping up and then back down while reading every 10-20 seconds or so. It only started doing it in the last couple of days. iPhone 11.

Not all pages (eg not this thread) is it something to do with ads or pictures or links loading? Can’t figure out what’s causing it.

Jumps approx 1 post up then a second or so later jumps back to where you were.
Should be fixed now. Please report it again if it happens.
Yes that is the plan. @oman are you free to set this up please sometime this week?

Plan is to have KO and regular tipping comps as well as bookie again this season.

If anyone is happy to assist with these that would be great too. please get in touch if so.
What's involved with assisting? I can possibly do something if it's easy.
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