Politics đź¤ˇ Donald Trump


While we talk shit, the world is lurching towards world war three.

You would have to be a fool not to realise that is fact.

Fact, the election of Donald Trump has pushed the planet towards world war three.

In the five minutes that Trump has been in office:

Europe want to ramp up Nuclear production.

China declares it is ready for War.

Russia declares that Europes peace keeping plan is an act of War.

Meantime on here you read Kiwi Trumpists rationlizing, gass lighting, and parroting Trumpian thinking "Trump is the President for peace". This is all part of Trumps plan. He is getting exactly what he wanted (like that is a good thing).

You have to laugh, even passive harmless Canadians want their defence force ramped up.

Now Trumpists will make elaborate unsubstantiated arguments about how this all part of a greater plan by Trump to make these nations Militarily independent.

Simple concept inbound....arming countries is not the path to a future for the world, it is a sign humanity is regressing. A pause in Human evolution.
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While we talk shit, the world is lurching towards world war three.

You would have to be a fool not to realise that is fact.

Fact, the election of Donald Trump has pushed the planet towards world war three.

In the five minutes that Trump has been in office:

Europe want to ramp up Nuclear production.

China declares it is ready for War.

Russia declares that Europes peace keeping plan is an act of War.

Meantime on here you read Kiwi Trumpists rationlizing, gass lighting, and parroting Trumpian thinking "Trump is the President for peace". This is all part of Trumps plan. He is getting exactly what he wanted (like that is a good thing).

You have to laugh, even passive harmless Canadians want their defence force ramped up.

Now Trumpists will make elaborate unsubstantiated arguments about how this all part of a greater plan by Trump to make these nations Militarily independent.

Simple concept inbound....arming countries is not the path to a future for the world, it is a sign of going humanity going regressing. A pause in Human evolution.
A regression. Driven by regressive human beings, backed by a regressive destructive political and authoritarian will.
A regression. Driven by regressive human beings, backed by a regressive destructive political and authoritarian will.
The thing that pisses me off most is these people want a return to the good old days.

The good old days were a time when Gay people had to hide their identity, when people of colour had to show deference rather than respect to their peers, when people with mental illnesses were to be feared and locked away.

That is the good old days.

The days when wives and daughters belonged in the kitchen and having babies.

Like Trump and Vances wives, stay silent, smile for the Camera, say nothing about their husbands basically undermining their womanhood.
The thing that pisses me off most is these people want a return to the good old days.

The good old days were a time when Gay people had to hide their identity, when people of colour had to show deference rather than respect to their peers, when people with mental illnesses were to be feared and locked away.

That is the good old days.

The days when wives and daughters belonged in the kitchen and having babies.

Like Trump and Vances wives, stay silent, smile for the Camera, say nothing about their husbands basically undermining their womanhood.
That's what the average National or Act voter wants too.
Feel free to name all China's expansionist wars its waged throughout its history...
That's straight out of the CCP's own deflection manual. A lot of major aggressors weren't aggressors, until they were. 'Expansionist' is a contestable term, but they've been significantly involved in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Korea, and Tibet - they would claim those aren't expansionist, but they certainly weren't involved in the name of charitable intervention.
They're clearly increasingly expansionist under Xi, given their South China Sea and African exploits. They've always been circumspect about dragging the US in to anything because a) the US military is superior and b) the US hasn't hesitated to get involved in any country where its own interests are threatened. They'll feel emboldened by the impotent response to Putin in Ukraine and to the US's burgeoning isolationism. Interesting times.
The thing that pisses me off most is these people want a return to the good old days.

The good old days were a time when Gay people had to hide their identity, when people of colour had to show deference rather than respect to their peers, when people with mental illnesses were to be feared and locked away.

That is the good old days.

The days when wives and daughters belonged in the kitchen and having babies.

Like Trump and Vances wives, stay silent, smile for the Camera, say nothing about their husbands basically undermining their womanhood.
Mate most of us don’t define life by identity politics.

To me the good old days are:

- houses were affordable -3x average income
- a single wage could support a household and feed multiple kids
- most countries had an equal balance of payments (exports = imports) so the country didn’t go backwards over time
- we bought and sold locally and more sustainably
- when a murder was so rare it shocked the nation

I guess we all judge the good old days through our own lens - myself economically and quality of life.

I think some of Trumps ideas have merit (small tariffs to support local; lowering immigration, etc) but the way he goes about it is like a clown.
No one "on the left" is freaking out Wizzards. Sorry to curtail your arousal off your fellow posters misery.

If you read the tone of this thread it is very tame from the Non right wing posters.

No one is running around saying the sky is falling, nor ranting about the end of the world, and most of all no one is raving about how Trump just fucked over millions of Ukrainians and left them to be ravaged by Russian savages.

Like I say it is quite lame and calm in here, sorry to deflate your Stiffy about your fellow posters supposed misery.

People are just getting what they expected and rather than freaking out they are fkd off about it.

Big difference.
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What does Putin have to do to meet the definition of a tyrant
Change the constitution so he can reman in power for ever. His step down and then step up isnt any more egregious than the Biden/Kamala hand off. Russian voters could have intervened at anytime. And he probably has the same number of bodies or less than the US presidents combined over the same years.

Authoritarian; yup. Fascist; technically yup.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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