Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Not about politics... but maybe someone with an accounting background or who has been made redundant may be able to provide some information either by answering this here or PM'ing me.

A friend of S's found out she was going to be made redundant a few weeks back. She's paid monthly on the 15th but her last day in this job is on 31st March. She's not only in KiwiSaver but her firm also has a private super scheme which she's also in.... she and her employer both contribute to her KS but only the employer contributes to the private super scheme.

Her employer has given her a statement of how much she'll be receiving in redundancy, salary, holiday pay and employer contributions to both her KS & the super scheme. The statement states that she will only receive the company contributions to KS and the Super scheme up until her next pay day (March 15th) and not her final day of employment (March 31st). Since she's still employed up until the 31st, I thought the company would be required to provide her with all her entitlements through to that date. It's only a few hundred dollars but I thought she should still be receiving it.

Not about politics... but maybe someone with an accounting background or who has been made redundant may be able to provide some information either by answering this here or PM'ing me.

A friend of S's found out she was going to be made redundant a few weeks back. She's paid monthly on the 15th but her last day in this job is on 31st March. She's not only in KiwiSaver but her firm also has a private super scheme which she's also in.... she and her employer both contribute to her KS but only the employer contributes to the private super scheme.

Her employer has given her a statement of how much she'll be receiving in redundancy, salary, holiday pay and employer contributions to both her KS & the super scheme. The statement states that she will only receive the company contributions to KS and the Super scheme up until her next pay day (March 15th) and not her final day of employment (March 31st). Since she's still employed up until the 31st, I thought the company would be required to provide her with all her entitlements through to that date. It's only a few hundred dollars but I thought she should still be receiving it.

If it’s in her employment contract she should be paid her entitlement until the final day. You would need to refer to the contract.
Protecting their masters

I personally hate nets from commercial fishing boats being dragged along the sea floor and I'm all in favour of all commercial fishing boats (whether NZ or foreign owned and operated) fishing within NZ's EEZ (Exclusive Economy Zone) being fitted with cameras.

But, the Lord Howe rise is over 2,500km long and only a small part of it is actually within our EEZ.... most of it is within "international waters" or part of Australia's EEZ. While I think the NZ government should make the information available if this incident occurred within either the international waters or within our EEZ but it's up to Australia to release the information if it was within their EEZ.

If it's within ours, saying that the SPRFMO [South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation] told them not to release the information is just a feeble copout!!!
Not about politics... but maybe someone with an accounting background or who has been made redundant may be able to provide some information either by answering this here or PM'ing me.

A friend of S's found out she was going to be made redundant a few weeks back. She's paid monthly on the 15th but her last day in this job is on 31st March. She's not only in KiwiSaver but her firm also has a private super scheme which she's also in.... she and her employer both contribute to her KS but only the employer contributes to the private super scheme.

Her employer has given her a statement of how much she'll be receiving in redundancy, salary, holiday pay and employer contributions to both her KS & the super scheme. The statement states that she will only receive the company contributions to KS and the Super scheme up until her next pay day (March 15th) and not her final day of employment (March 31st). Since she's still employed up until the 31st, I thought the company would be required to provide her with all her entitlements through to that date. It's only a few hundred dollars but I thought she should still be receiving it.

Additional to wiz’s comment, you’ll need to confirm if she is paid in advance or in arrears.

From the sounds of what HR is saying, it appears she is paid half in arrears and half in advance, which would make her pay run on the 15th cover her work until the 31st.

But as wiz says, that’s probably in her contract

She’ll be entitled to everything she always gets until her last day of employment.
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Also make sure she receives her redundancy entitlement

She will be entitled to whatever is in her contract, which would usually be:
Her notice period plus
Redundancy payment (usually x months)

Generally, the redundancy payment will be the same (or more than) her notice period. Ie one month’s notice = one month’s redundancy.

But yeah, the contract will specify

The other thing to confirm is that the company has followed the correct redundancy process
The other thing to confirm is that the company has followed the correct redundancy process
Things like the holidays act are a mess to work out with everyone including highly resources govt departments frequently unable to get it right.

Hence the long needed review currently being undertaken into the holidays act.

If she can @miket12, get her to check the workings herself and understand how they work it out.
Things like the holidays act are a mess to work out with everyone including highly resources govt departments frequently unable to get it right.

Hence the long needed review currently being undertaken into the holidays act.

If she can @miket12, get her to check the workings herself and understand how they work it out.
S found out a bit more today. Wendy, the lady made redundant receives 10% in addition to her salary paid for into superfunds… 3% to KS (matched by Wendy) and 7% to the private super scheme (with no contribution from Wendy).

Her employer is contributing to her KS right up to her final day on her salary. The difference is what’s occurring with the redundancy payment itself. Wendy wasn’t going be receiving her three percent on the redundancy payment but would have received the 7% of the redundancy money paid into the private super scheme.

Instead, Wendy has decided to take a “contribution holiday” from KS and instead get her employed to pay 10% into the private super scheme.
Interesting to see which streets in Auckland are reverting back to their previous speed limits. While I don't think some should go back to where they were, a major road like Te Irirangi Road in Flat Bush (between the Botany Town Centre and Clover Park) which was designed to have only a few private vehicle crossings for nearly 6kms, should never have had its speed reduced EXCEPT where there should be a reduction in speed around the major intersections like Ormiston Road, Accent Drive and Smales/East Tamaki Drive to 60km/hour.

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