Well depends on what you think is an MP’s role in regards to their constituents?
I have personally approached MP’s over issues when the system doesn’t respond and it is their job to act on your behalf.
‘Mr Polkinghorne has approached me feeling he has no other avenues to pursue.’
Seems to be a valid reason for an MP to ask some questions in a democracy.
Seymour’s letter accused police of inappropriate practices: It said Polkinghorne had been left by police unshowered, hungry, thirsty, distressed, alone and “trapped” inside a locked police car for 15 minutes on the day of his wife’s death. He also alleged police did not inform the doctor of his legal rights. The Epsom MP also criticised police for contacting Polkinghorne’s private psychologist to ask for his diagnosis. He criticising police for denying family access to Hanna’s toxicology and autopsy results
Honestly seems some of these things should be looked into as even prisoners have rights and they are damning on police if true.
This shouldn’t even have been made public (unless it’s a media hit job). Real media would find out if those issues bought up were valid and what was the outcome because the allegations are more serious than an MP getting involved.