Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

no, I'm very aware of that, but the data, particularly for ED wait time shows that we were coping until around 2018 where it shows a drop off increasing over the next years until now.

its fairly pointless throwing conspiracy theories and name calling out when the history is there to see. We have seen a slight upward tick in ED waiting times in the last couple of reads so maybe we actually wait and see if that's just an anomaly or something is changing over a longer period of time
The NZ health system has been shit since the 60s 70's.
Hasn't improved recently and arguably got worse and that's without global pandemics and national tragedies
Putting the blame on the previous government is flawed to say the least.
Political speech by the PM saying Reti is a good health minister and is a good friend but good bye
Are you missing anything
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Lower premiums are good for everyone though, £995 a year for comprehensive cover is a lot more than we're paying in NZ
A small drop after premiums had risen rapidly, some had doubled. And getting better premiums when switching companies. Sounds like competition for customers is a high driver of getting lower premiums.
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I've said that many times before Frank - it's your mates on here who have argued against that in the past.
Not that point they havent, or I would have called them an idiot. Insurance data is a aggregated. Theres no evidence the number of crashes has decreased, simply the payout $$.
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