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There’s a theory called Peter principle, which states “"In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”

It’s intended to explain how people, particularly in management, rise through the levels until their incompetence prevents them from rising further

I think the same can be applied to public figures. They’ll get as far as they can until some, inevitably, reveal themselves to be muppets. I think this applies to guys like Mike King, but also Kiri Allen, Stuart Nash, Golriz, Casey Costello, Mam, etc
Its not a great look at all. I think King has chosen his words very poorly but has also been jumped all over for it. Certainly seems like the media are taking a line and making it a headline.

From King:

“Alcohol is not a problem for people with mental health issues.

“It’s actually the solution to our problem and until you come with a better solution …

“It stops those thoughts,” he explained.

“I would suggest to you that alcohol has prevented more young people from taking their own lives than it actually makes them take their own lives.

“I mean, I’m a drug addict, an alcoholic; my whole life, I’ve used drugs and alcohol to stop that little voice inside my head that told me that I wasn’t good enough, that I was useless.

“It’s a release, it’s like a video game.

“It’s like methadone, it keeps us going until some help comes along. It’s our life jacket.”

and from Mental Health Foundation chief executive Shaun Robinson

Robinson said he believed King’s heart was in the right place, and suggested King may have been confused when making those comments on the radio. Robinson said King may have intended to say that self-medication was a reality many faced, rather than saying it was a good option for people.

“I do agree [with King] that many people experiencing mental distress use alcohol as self-medication because they don’t have any other option,” he said.

I don't believe that King believes that alcohol and drugs is the 'cure' or 'solution' to mental health.
Its not a great look at all. I think King has chosen his words very poorly but has also been jumped all over for it. Certainly seems like the media are taking a line and making it a headline.

From King:

“Alcohol is not a problem for people with mental health issues.

“It’s actually the solution to our problem and until you come with a better solution …

“It stops those thoughts,” he explained.

“I would suggest to you that alcohol has prevented more young people from taking their own lives than it actually makes them take their own lives.

“I mean, I’m a drug addict, an alcoholic; my whole life, I’ve used drugs and alcohol to stop that little voice inside my head that told me that I wasn’t good enough, that I was useless.

“It’s a release, it’s like a video game.

“It’s like methadone, it keeps us going until some help comes along. It’s our life jacket.”

and from Mental Health Foundation chief executive Shaun Robinson

Robinson said he believed King’s heart was in the right place, and suggested King may have been confused when making those comments on the radio. Robinson said King may have intended to say that self-medication was a reality many faced, rather than saying it was a good option for people.

“I do agree [with King] that many people experiencing mental distress use alcohol as self-medication because they don’t have any other option,” he said.

I don't believe that King believes that alcohol and drugs is the 'cure' or 'solution' to mental health.
While I am not knocking the guy in any shape or form.
Having had something to do with him I wasn't surprised by his comments/attitude.
“I mean, I’m a drug addict, an alcoholic; my whole life, I’ve used drugs and alcohol to stop that little voice inside my head that told me that I wasn’t good enough, that I was useless.

The telling part when he said those comments.

He’s a few screws loose and has always been open about it.
I thought Dave Letele was just as worthy and he got zilch. 🤔
We need to improve people's health and the other part is helping people who are struggling and need assistance.

Letele going from an overweight boxer to someone pushing health is a great story.

A shame he has found it hard to keep things going. Listening to him being interviewed he sounded worn out so I can understand.
We need to improve people's health and the other part is helping people who are struggling and need assistance.

Letele going from an overweight boxer to someone pushing health is a great story.

A shame he has found it hard to keep things going. Listening to him being interviewed he sounded worn out so I can understand.
I don't think he would have begrudged Mike King getting funding either. He was quite scathing of the previous government not doing anything and a member of the nutters club. It shouldn't be an either or scenario. Both require funding.

Post from 3 years ago:
Screenshot 2024-11-01 074233.webp
I don't think he would have begrudged Mike King getting funding either. He was quite scathing of the previous government not doing anything and a member of the nutters club. It shouldn't be an either or scenario. Both require funding.

Post from 3 years ago:
View attachment 9887

He’s also been quite critical of the current government. I wonder with some hindsight now whether he still holds the same view? At least he had funding before. Looks like both governments have been a letdown in this regard to him

He’s also been quite critical of the current government. I wonder with some hindsight now whether he still holds the same view? At least he had funding before. Looks like both governments have been a letdown in this regard to him
In regards to mental health, yes I think he would hold that same view.
Swinging slashes without direction or meaning to the public service in Wellington, resulting in mass job losses and a huge reduction in the cbd working community.

No facts or evidence to support this government blaming the downturn in patronage on the working from homes policy.

Clumsy, authoritarian nanny state interference from the so called free speech champions

Absolutely poor mismanagement, covering up the fact that National, Act and the Reserve bank have both caused and deepened this man made recession, then look to push the blame outwards

Meanwhile, in another display of appalling economic management and misprudence, Seymour lies and completely overrides the tendering and procurement process, which will result in more privatisation, offshore profits, and job losses in New Zeqland

National and Act are hellbent on economic destruction at the expense of all but the very wealthy.

    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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