Social 💪 Savage September

I started off the year with my best ride ever. 3 hours and 70kms. So I broke my time and distance in one ride.

Of course that meant instead of a long morning and evening rides while away it was one ride a day while my legs recovered.

Due to renovations we only went away for 5 days. As my wife was back at work and I was stuck at home with builders, painters, and tilers I was getting up at 6am to get a ride in before they arrived on site. Meant I could get a weights session in the evening.

6 am while everyone is away on holiday. Auckland is great when it is quiet.

After Jan 1st the main one I am proud of is getting out to Riverhead on the bike. The hill out of Albany is a 15-minute climb.

Multiple sessions is where you really start to seperate yourself from the crowd
That day with 3 rides the two with the kids were more active rest.

The older one his school is now a fair distance away and located where all of the rush hour traffic converges. So we want to make sure he was comfortable with all of the crossings. So hopefully we can schedule in a few more test runs.

It is some good father-son time so when they want to go out it is best to encourage it instead of having them stuck on devices.
Couldn't achieve a full Nordic Curl before 40 but was content with getting the easier Harop & Razor Curl variations.
National Masters next week & I'll be one & done with competitive Touch after being diagnosed with a hip deformity so will be collecting my ticket for the very back of the hip replacement queue! No team, or racquet, sports on the horizon. Fuck it. Had a charmed run up until a broken leg at 25 in a Rugby game. Since then x2 ruptured bicep tendons & an orbital fracture.
Hiking & paddling going forward
Not being savage as such, but being more consistent with regular planned workouts, eating as little bad crap as possible (with the exception this weekend of a chocolate mousse I made for a date, then we didn't end up eating as got 'distracted' - now it's on me to have all for myself in the next few days as it's too tasty to just throw away my hard work 😂 ), and doing regular 3D body scans for that truly confronting experience hah!
Weight on scale I'm not too worried about, but is starting to trend downwards slowly while some of the other measurements going in the right direction too (waist/fat going down, arms/chest/lean mass going up, left-to-right measures getting a bit more balanced, though a niggly right shoulder last couple months isn't helping that last point!).

Also getting through my CPT course that I signed up for just before Xmas - did in person workshop couple weeks back (which was confronting in a different way, having to observe and deduce movement corrections/adaptations in other people etc, where I still don't really have a full understanding yet in what way is the 'correct' way!), reckon within the next month or two I'll be ready to do the final evaluation to get certified.
Then will be dipping my toe into the PT world which is a whole new level of scary for me hah 😂

EDIT - maybe this more appropriate for the Weighty Issue Thread
Does anyone know if we are still getting the Warriors team poster for free .Used to come in the Herald just before the season kicked off ?? 👍🏻🤞👏🏻
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