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Uh oh, I agree with pretty much all what you're saying, but incoming rant regardless....*takes deep breath*

The lack of a cohesive plan for the three films was the thing that killed it from the start. How you actually take a billion dollar franchise and say "three movies, yeah we'll figure it out as we go" is some of the laziest, dumbest shit you'll ever come across.

That aside, I know TFA was a safe way to go about it, BUT I also don't think it was a bad move. Yes it was basically a copy of ANH, but giving current fans a nostalgia trip while also introducing new fans to the basic SW formula isn't necessarily a bad way to go about it.

TLJ is where things went to hell. It was the last SW movie I watched in a movie theatre. Never watched ROS in theatres and only got around to it when it showed up on Disney+. TLJ felt more like an "episode of the week" from a procedural cop show rather than an actual movie. The humour, which was already bad, somehow got worse, both Snoke and Phasma were killed off as well as making Rey go 2/2 against Kylo which pretty much left him dead in the water as any real threat to.....well anything. A film with no credible villain is pointless - hence "Somehow Palpatine has returned".

My biggest gripe with TLJ is what they did to Finn. I cannot recall a character in almost any franchise getting set up and then absolutely botched like this. He didn't even need to be force sensitive like the trailer tried to bait and switch about. The guy was a runaway, an ex-Stormtrooper, that in itself was a unique perspective to explore, but then at the end of TFA when Kylo caught up with Rey and Finn, he flung Rey out of the way and screamed "traitor" at Finn. I love that moment and Driver's delivery was spot on, but whenever I see it now it just frustrates me. Anyway, they then fight with it ending after Kylo slices him open from the back. Finn could have been out looking for revenge, mental scars, maybe having trained in whatever anti-saber stick the troopers used, staying close to Rey but getting caught between his friendship with her and desire for revenge against Kylo. Conflict, drama, high stakes, sign me the fuck up.

Instead - he wakes up fully healed, comic relief, and then spends TLJ going on the most pointless deus ex machina side story that in the end had absolutely zero bearing on the plot. Oof, can feel the frustration building just thinking about it.

Ok, then there's Rey. Right here is a perfect example of "so concerned with making her strong that they forgot to make her interesting". Flaws in characters are a good thing, failing is a good thing, having obstacles seem too much for them and seeing how they grow and overcome them is interesting. Watching a character on a straight upward line of growth is so boring that it's impossible to get invested in the character or story they're involved with.

I've seen people counter the anti-Rey argument with "Luke learnt the force way too quickly too, and he was whiny and annoying". That's fine, I don't argue with that, but the key to a good character is making them A)flawed and more importantly B) Relatably flawed.

The first thing we see Luke do is whine, he then gets frustrated at having to do his chores instead of hang with his friends. He then loses the droid he was supposed to be looking after, tries to fix the issue on his own, gets his ass kicked by a sand person, has to be saved by a barely mobile Kenobi, and then arrives back in home just in time to witness the last family barbeque. That's just the first act of the first film and showed more flaws, relatability, and room for growth than Rey did the entire trilogy. It just made audiences connect with him in a way that Rey never did.

Oh, and Chewie walking passed Leia after Han's death like he's more interested in getting first in the buffet line is pretty much unforgiveable no matter how many times JJ comes out and says he regrets it.

Excuse me, I have some clouds to yell at now.

TFA was totally nostalgic after they butchered the earlier prequels. Seeing the millennium falcon and Han, brought a tear to the eye.

What happened after TFA was absolute and total GARBAGE

Just watched Prey. From the predator franchise of movies. Thought it was quite good, solid entertainment for the evening.
Fuck knows why but I thought I’d given Rebel Moon a second watch


It’s so unrealistic for a 5’2 women to be the greatest warrior in the universe…

Uma Thurman, Charlize, Sergorny Weaver - all tall with somewhat masculine qualities - plus a big arse gun or a weapon as their companion
Fuck knows why but I thought I’d given Rebel Moon a second watch


It’s so unrealistic for a 5’2 women to be the greatest warrior in the universe…

Uma Thurman, Charlize, Sergorny Weaver - all tall with somewhat masculine qualities - plus a big arse gun or a weapon as their companion
Could say the same about yoda though. It's fantasy like...
Watched the South Korean flick Parasite the other day……it was a great watch. Its got it all, comedic, dramatic, tragic etc. I usually have a hard time with subtitled flicks because I’m always reading what’s being said and missing the visuals but those guys put out some real bangers….. recommend.
Watched the South Korean flick Parasite the other day……it was a great watch. Its got it all, comedic, dramatic, tragic etc. I usually have a hard time with subtitled flicks because I’m always reading what’s being said and missing the visuals but those guys put out some real bangers….. recommend.
One of the actors died a week or two back I think?
Watched the South Korean flick Parasite the other day……it was a great watch. It’s got it all, comedic, dramatic, tragic etc. I usually have a hard time with subtitled flicks because I’m always reading what’s being said and missing the visuals but those guys put out some real bangers….. recommend.
Very good movie- think I only caught it as it was one of the few movies that came out over covid
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