Social ⚔️ Palestine, Israel war.

From the Bondi attack yesterday to global war, fitness saves your life. When people ask what I'm training for, I say to be harder to kill.
Survival of the fittest. Probably one of the most apt phrases. Look after your health so you can survive the unexpected.

Used to spend hours thinking about this stuff. I practiced one disarming move ten thousand times and more lol. Rather than becoming an expert at fighting against weapons I just made sure my one move was fast and fluid.

Even then it does not work every time, still get hit or stuck....but it eventually allowed me to get control of the body through a limb.

Something is better than nothing. As Miyagi said, you are better off being good at a little bit of Karate than so so with a lot.

I feel sorry for these people that see an armed maniac and freeze, been there many times, the only way around that is to get more experience of that shit and to understand how your mind and body fight flight works. I am big on not trying to be brave or calm all the time, embrace the fear, just have a trigger word / some hypnotic suggestion (when I froze my mind says "MOVE") no plan, no fancy movie stuff, just move even a finger and reconnect the circuits then BOOM you find you are scared but fast, scared but strong, scared but going for it.

And Failing that, is the fuck it mechanism, you are going to die, die well, make your children hear a story of how their father died a fighter so they sleep better at night.
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The drones have left Gaza, probably temporarily. Imagine living with that constant deathly buzzing for 6+ months.
One thing I’ll for sure teach my kids. RUN

That is it eh bro.

Always tried to teach them to cross the street when they see a bunch of people that are posturing or shaping up.....while everyone else runs over there to watch or film some action. gotta try protect the life you have by not being there in the first place because a time will come where the shit lands on you and you don't wanna go around using all your luck up. There is no respawn in the street.
So America and Israel are scared of Iran, and Iran have been living on edge for decades on decades so they kinda have nothing to lose eh.

Iran send a telegraphed attack that gives Israel hours to prepare for and less incentive to hit back in such a way that escalates to open warfare.

What or who will tip that balance into all out war?

At this stage it isn't looking like the Islamic fundamentalists are looking for this fight.

All eyes on the Zionists and Yank hawks and some terror groups who want a fight, even though they are not representative of Iran.

That is the summation of the last twenty four hours of sifting through media.
Funny how the ÜS said don't do it.

Israel know if they go to war with Iran that America will back them, despite the denials by the US.

Israel will never be left to flounder against Iran....or anyone. Therefore Israel can dictate US engagement in this conflict just by forcing Iran to go all out. US protests are just that, words and posturing for optics.
They meant “do it”.
Biden just wants to be re-elected.
Result- gas prices up👍🏻
Did you know an F-35 Lightning burns 107 L. Per minute?
They meant “do it”.
Biden just wants to be re-elected.
Result- gas prices up👍🏻
Did you know an F-35 Lightning burns 107 L. Per minute?
F 35s are crazy. They look CGI from some gamer fantasy.
Saudi hate Iran, just another layer to the mess.
Bit of a chilling watch on q and a with the Israeli ambassador to NZ saying the days of a country like NZ not picking a side are over, are we like minded or not and are apart of the coalition. Think if anyone doesn’t think we’re on the cusp of a big war ahead and the potential of the scale of it, they’ve got their head in the sand
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