Politics NZ Politics

Bishops a creepy fucker too.
bishop is a fucking nerd.
he and that twerp hipkins. i see them both around a bunch. hipkins looking like he’s constantly on the verge of tears and old fucking bishdog mouth breathing in his shitty little sign written car. it looks like an uber but with his stupid face on it.
bishop is a fucking nerd.
he and that twerp hipkins. i see them both around a bunch. hipkins looking like he’s constantly on the verge of tears and old fucking bishdog mouth breathing in his shitty little sign written car. it looks like an uber but with his stupid face on it.
More than a nerd when young girls parents are alarmed at him having interactions online with them. That’s creepy shit. Old fish lips Reti is an odd fish too.
Then have a look at our Mayors around the entire country.
What an uninspiring lot of fwits
for sure!
that’s why i don’t bother to vote, i feel about the election the same way i feel about a saturday afternoon game between the tigers and dragons in the rain.
you’re not wrong about uninspiring,
i’d rather grab a bottle of the hot stuff, put the tv on mute, stare at the wall and enjoy myself.
he is without doubt the biggest creep of the lot. seat sniffer i said the other day.
I see your creep and raise you a grown man who txts teenage girls...
